Famine a Madagascar
From february 14th until march 8th Maiya and me, Remi (the operational manager of Madalief) visited Madagascar! After being stuck in the Netherlands for fourteen months, it was like a miracle that we could get tickets and travel to our beloved country. Madagascar is placed under High Risk Countries by…
Des milliers de personnes quitent Antananarivo, apres ils ont perdu leurs travaille a cause de Corona crise. https://information.tv5monde.com/video/coronavirus-madagascar-l-exode-urbain-inevitable-pour-les-plus-pauvres?fbclid=IwAR3UdzqTuzo8S3Fvnb4qfnUiHOzOhzmkMbW2ZCtgQPX0X2nDtv2ZTdCwrSI